Crochet & Knitting Calculator

Our unique yardage calculators will help you estimate the total yarn needed to knit or crochet your next favorite project! We all wonder how much yarn we will need to complete a sweater or blanket, so it only made sense to create an easy, go-to when it comes to calculating the yardage you need to create projects for men, women, baby and kids, effectively answering the most pressing question when it comes to making. This calculator will help you figure out how much yarn is needed to make accessories like socks to larger garments like sweaters and cardigans available in both imperial (inches, feet, yards) and metric (mm, cm, meters) measurement types!

Let’s Calculate!

Enter your project details

The Results:

Knitting Results:

126 yards Required (116 Meters)

Crochet Results:

158 yards Required (123 Meters)


  • 8 sts / 10 cm
  • 10 rows / 10 cm
  • Knitting calculation assumes stockinette stitch only.
  • Crochet calculation assumes single crochet only.

Please remember these results are just an estimate. Your project may require more or less yarn. More yarn would be required for ribbing, cabling, and/or most pattern stitches.

To be safe, you may want to add 20% to the above estimate as a margin for error. Remember you can return unused non-sale yarn at JBW!