Every once in awhile, we happen upon an instruction in knitting that makes absolutely no sense, and, no matter how many places we search for help, we just can't seem to make heads or tails of what we're supposed to do next. "Casting on to the end of a row" seems to be one of those instructions.
When might you need this, you ask? Well, I've come across the idea most often in the Knitting Pure & Simple Patterns. In those patterns, you are knitting a sweater from the top down and need to cast onto the end of the row once you're ready to work solely on the body of the sweater. There are 4 simple steps to follow. These steps are highlighted below. Please let us know if you have any questions!
Step 1. Place the needle in your right hand & hold the yarn with your left hand.
Step 2. Using your left hand, create a loop by flipping your wrist counter-clockwise.
Step 3. Slip the needle through the loop that you just created.
Step 4. Pull the tail of the yarn tightly. You have just "casted" 1 stitch onto the right needle.
Repeat these steps as many times as instructed.