Willie from Willie Nillie Knits teaches you how to do the Make One Right & Make One Left (M1R & M1L) increases. We hope you enjoy it!
Make One Left (M1L)
- To do a M1L increase you will need to have at least one stitch on your right hand needle.
- Look at your knitting between the two needles. See the little bar between the two stitches? With your left needle pick up this bar going from front to back.
- Now, knit the loop you now have on your left needle through the back loop just as you would a normal knit through the back loop.
- By knitting through the back loop you are adding a left twist to the increase, making it invisible. Without the twist you will get an eyelet much like a small yarnover instead of an invisible increase.
Make One Right (M1R)
This increase is the same as a M1L except:
- with your left needle you will pick up the bar between the stitches from back to front
- knit it through the front loop, adding a right twist.
Perhaps an easy way to remember this is:
- M1L - pick up front to back, knit in the back - front, back, back
- M1R - pick up back to front, knit in the front - back, front, front
Have fun!